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10 Optical Illusions That Will Make You Do A Double Take

Written By Unknown on Thursday, May 30, 2013 | 11:03 AM

May 30, 2013
These optical illusions are mind blowing, confusing, and will most definitely have you doing a double take. Continue reading...
How Arrested Development Haters Blue Themselves Once Again
The unenthusiastic reaction that many had for the show is not due to Mitch Hurwitz and his co-conspirators' failure to deliver, but instead, can be placed squarely on the knee-jerk reaction of an online crowd that favors the idea of reunions and revivals over delivery of them. Continue reading...
Why My Wedding Anniversary Means Nothing to Me
In the dark I could just make out a figure sitting on my porch stoop. Was it a Croatian human trafficker or could it be... ? Had Henry actually taken a taxi to my house to welcome me home? Continue reading...
Call of the Wild: A Tale of Two Squirrels, One 911 Call and Me
I called 911. Someone picked up right away. "This is the New York State Police, please state the nature of your emergency." Nature, indeed. "Squirrel!" I shouted. "There is a squirrel in my house!" Continue reading...
Did Steve Jobs Ruin the World?
Thank you Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg for making Schadenfreude convenient. It's as if we are enjoying the spectacle so much that we haven't noticed the cameras are now pointed at us. Who is laughing now? Continue reading...
Steve Martin: My First, My Last, My Everything
The first performer who I ever saw in concert was Steve Martin, and whether this man wants the credit or not, he changed my life forever. Continue reading...

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