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Amanda Bynes Lashes Out At Perez Hilton

Written By Unknown on Thursday, May 30, 2013 | 10:51 AM

May 30, 2013
Amanda Bynes' feud with Perez Hilton reached new heights on Thurdsay, when the troubled actress tweeted that the blogger should "kill [himself]."  Continue reading...
Extremists on both sides have a shared agenda: division, distrust, anger and violence. The answer is not for us to move further from one another, crouched in opposing fortresses constructed from vindictive words. We need now to move closer to one another, to understand one another. Continue reading...
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Thank you Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg for making Schadenfreude convenient. It's as if we are enjoying the spectacle so much that we haven't noticed the cameras are now pointed at us. Who is laughing now? Continue reading...

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