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» The Worst Day Of My Life
The Worst Day Of My Life
October 11, 2013 There have been many bad days in my life... and many, many more good ones. But when I look back, I realize the worst day of my life was not the day, seven years ago, when I learned I had breast cancer (though that was a terrifying day, indeed). It wasn't even the day my mother died, or my father died (though both of those days were heart-wrenching). Continue reading... | STEVE SATTERWHITE | | Manifesto of a Corporate Misfit | The old way -- where employees compete against one another for status, raises and promotions, where one person winning means another one must lose, where one withholds from their co-workers because their managers stack-rank their people against each other -- yeah, that day is over. Continue reading... | | | | CATHY KAUFMAN | | My Life With David/Danielle Kaufman | The surgery date for mid-October 2013 was taken off the surgery schedule and delayed indefinitely. Why this happened is still a mystery that I would like to solve. But Danielle was not willing to wait. She took another road to becoming what she couldn't wait one minute more to become. Continue reading... | | ARLENE LASSIN | | Memory's Going, Thank Goodness for Whatshisname! | It doesn't make any sense to me why I can remember the names of every teacher through elementary school despite a lack of photos, who I had crushes on through every grade, the best birthday parties, and the lyrics to every song produced in the 1960s, when I can't remember things I need to remember in the here and now. Continue reading... | |
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