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» The 9/11 Widow Who Taught Me About Survival
The 9/11 Widow Who Taught Me About Survival
September 11, 2013 I'll admit it: I have been afraid to go to Ground Zero. Since 9/11/01 I've probably been to New York City 10 times. I have no excuse but just what I've said -- Fear. Fear of what? The horror? Empathy? Sympathy? My imagination? The human heart? That there would be an element of voyeurism? That somehow it wouldn't be memorialized in a way that felt reverent? Then I met Christie Coombs. Continue reading... ARIANNA HUFFINGTON | | How to Immediately Improve Your Life (Hint: It Starts With Improving the Lives of Others) | Last week a few HuffPost editors and I were treated to a visit by Bill Drayton and Mary Gordon. Bill Drayton is the founder of Ashoka and a longtime champion of social entrepreneurship, a term that he coined and that has now spread across the world. Mary Gordon is a former kindergarten teacher who founded Roots of Empathy, an organization dedicated to teaching emotional literacy and promoting empathy in children. As Mary told us, empathy is a two-way street and is best nurtured by example. Philosophers have known this for centuries. "No one can live happily who has regard for himself alone and transforms everything into a question of his own utility," wrote the first-century Stoic philosopher Seneca. And in practically every religious tradition and practice, giving of oneself is a key step on the path to spiritual fulfillment. Continue reading... | | | ANTHONY MARSELLA | | As I Age | As I age, I find my thoughts returning to the days of my youth -- to the accumulated memories of people, places, and events once stored unobtrusively in my brain, now awaiting the chance to be revived, considered, and to find a place in my present life, long after they occurred. Continue reading... | | | | |
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