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HuffPost Science: 'Pitch Drop'.. Kepler Glitch.. Blue Laser

Written By Unknown on Thursday, May 2, 2013 | 7:02 AM

May 2, 2013
What's the world's most boring science experiment? You could make a pretty good case for the "pitch drop" experiment. Continue reading...
Don't People in Chronic Pain Have Enough to Deal With?
DSM-5 represents a wholesale, imperial medicalization of normality. So many new and untested diagnoses; so many reduced thresholds for the old ones. Pretty soon everyone will have a diagnosis and many will have a whole bunch of them. Continue reading...
Celebrating Animals
We try to imagine how animals see the world, but even our pets are mysterious to us. However, understanding the way their eyes work, or their sense of smell, for example, it helps us to appreciate them even more and adds a measure of empathy, if nothing else. Continue reading...
Runaway Selection and the Cellophane Rabbi
Unwittingly, some components of Ronald Fisher's theory of runaway selection can aptly describe the emergence of exaggerated religious traits as well. Take for example the recent photo of an orthodox Jewish man ensconced in a full-size plastic bag during a flight to Tel Aviv. Continue reading...
The Hubble Space Telescope at 23
When the Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990, the original idea was that it would operate for 10 years. That period was later extended to 15 years. Well, on April 24, Hubble celebrated 23 years since launch, and the telescope is going as strong as ever. Continue reading...
Cognitive Earthquake: Who's Really in Need?
As described in a forthcoming article in Psychological Science, across all scenarios volunteers felt that they should give much more generously when a disaster had a high death toll. That is, donors were highly sensitive to fatalities, and unfazed by the actual numbers of needy. Continue reading...

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