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What I Shouldn't Have To Explain About My Pregnancy

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 | 12:11 PM

March 26, 2013
Pregnancy is so interesting. Immediately and constantly, people keep telling me that everything is all about the baby. I think that means I'm supposed to stop asking questions.

They said that when I was really sick for months, and I got a little depressed about not being able to get out of bed. "Just think of the baby!"

They said it when it looked like I might have gestational diabetes, and I was upset because there is already so much damn diabetes in my life. The type 1 diabetics closest to me: my husband, my father, my brother, my mother-in-law. "The point is just having a healthy baby! Just take the test and don't worry about anything else," people said.  Continue reading...
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