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» Meditate Your Stress Away.. The Most Zen Office Spaces Ever.. Benefits Of Gratitude
Meditate Your Stress Away.. The Most Zen Office Spaces Ever.. Benefits Of Gratitude
March 15, 2013 Life can be a little crazy sometimes. Because of this, it's no surprise that we all get stressed out at one time or another. While some of the things that set us off have their origin in major life challenges, many of the experiences that get us all wound up are based in minor daily irritations. The stress caused by things such as slow traffic, difficult coworkers, and piles of unanswered emails can really build up into a full-blown meltdown if left unchecked. Continue reading... | ADA POLLA | | Meditation for Non-Meditators | I practice active gratefulness. I was recently reminded of the power of gratefulness, and have a renewed commitment to it. Every day, I take time to think about one person, one incident, one thing, that I am grateful for. It is an act that forces me to remember how lucky I am. Continue reading... | | PROJECT COMPASSION STANFORD | | Even in Business, a Little Forgiveness Can Go a Long Way | When management consultant Michael Stone interviewed executives across the U.S. to elicit their opinions about forgiveness at work, he found that it often brought up a sense of fear. But how do these fears match up with what we really know about the science of forgiveness? Continue reading... | | | KINO MACGREGOR | | 10,000 Hours of Yoga | It's too easy to say that everyone who can lift up into handstand, bend deeply backward or places both legs behind their head is naturally gifted. Yoga is about the inner journey and even those lucky few with natural talent need to put in the work to reach their maximum potential. Continue reading... | | JUSTINE MUSK | | How to Be Fearlessly Creative | I've learned to separate my fears from my intuition and, at times, to follow my intuition through the fear. I've learned that love is a powerful antidote and can scare the demons back into the dark -- but according to Srinivasen S. Pillay, the main enemy of fear isn't love. Continue reading... | |
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