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Iconic Former Alberta Premier Ralph Klein Has Died

Written By Unknown on Friday, March 29, 2013 | 1:31 PM

March 29, 2013
Ralph Klein's humble beginnings could not possibly have foreshadowed the impact he would have on Alberta and the imprint he would leave on Alberta politics. Continue reading...
Wake up and Smell the Coal Alberta!
If a new Pembina Institute report released this week is any indication, we Albertans have happily, if unwittingly, kept the wool pulled down over our eyes when it comes to acknowledging the primary fuel that powers our lives. To wit, fully 64 per cent of the electricity generated in Alberta comes from burning the most inefficient and dirty of all fossil fuels: coal. Continue reading...
Moving to Income-Based Drug Coverage is the Wrong Prescription for Alberta
The Alberta government has announced major pharmacare reforms: the province is planning to move from a system where public drug coverage is available mainly for seniors to a system where coverage will be restricted based upon income. Continue reading...
Alberta's Intergenerational Theft: We're Just Getting Started
Future Albertans, future children and grandchildren of this province call the cops, you have been robbed. Actually, robbed may be too generous a term: this has been no shoplifting offense. You have been victim of grand larceny. This theft is on par with the scam pulled by Bernie Madoff. It makes the Great Train Robbery look like child's play. Continue reading...
Postpartum Rage is Common in New Mothers
Imagine a time you totally lost your temper. When you were so consumed by anger you felt it as a physical thing, adrenaline racing through your body and blocking out all rational thought. When your first instinct, as though it were primal, was to throw something so it would shatter into a thousand pieces and break whatever spell had overtaken you. Continue reading...
Generic Drug Prices in Alberta: A Step in the Right Direction
Want to buy a $100 coffee? Sounds absurd, doesn't it? However, it's equally absurd that this is how much more Albertans pay for some generic drugs than people in other countries. Continue reading...

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