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HuffPost Science: Violin Theory Tested.. Mercury Meteorite?.. Biocomputing Breakthrough

Written By Unknown on Sunday, March 31, 2013 | 8:12 AM

March 31, 2013

Virtuosos who describe the singing voice of a violin may be on to something. The great violin makers, such as Stradivari and Guarneri, may have designed violins to mimic the human voice, new research suggests.

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Strange Answers to the Psychopath Test
2013-03-28-ronsonpullBecoming a psychopath-spotter can turn you a bit psychopathic because it compels you to start reducing people to items on a checklist -- to their maddest edges. Continue reading...
The Fate of Life on Earth: A Cosmic Perspective
Assuming that human ingenuity will be able to overcome expected perils like bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, violent volcanic "supereruptions," asteroid impacts and food shortages, there are still a few distant events on a more cosmic scale that may be inevitable. Continue reading...
Where Have All the Normals Gone?
2013-01-18-TEDplayvideo.jpgWe are spending tens of billions of dollars plying the worried well with unnecessary and expensive drugs; while at the very same time ignoring the desperate needs of those who really could benefit from psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. Continue reading...
Majorly Perfect Baseball
There is one statistic from the 2012 season that may be difficult to improve upon in 2013: the number of perfect games pitched in the major leagues. Continue reading...
Can You Be Just a Little 'Psychopathic?'
2013-01-18-TEDplayvideo.jpgThere has been a supposed attempt in the soon to be published DSM-5 to move beyond the system of putting people into categorical boxes (e.g. psychopathic or not). Continue reading...

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