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HuffPost Science: Fiery Solar Comeback; DNA Letter Up For Auction; Lyme Disease Discovery

Written By Unknown on Sunday, March 24, 2013 | 9:33 AM

March 24, 2013
The sun should roar back to life sometime in 2013, producing its second activity peak in the last two years, scientists say. Continue reading...
Decorating a Barren Memory Palace
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Happy Birthday, Emmy Noether
On March 23, 1882, a girl named Emmy Noether was born in Erlangen, Bavaria. The daughter of a mathematician, she would turn out to be a mathematical genius and make one of the most important contributions to physics in the twentieth century. Continue reading...
The Creative Power of Memory
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Diverging Bases: The Case Against the Metric System
In the same way that the foot was obviously invented by a potentially vain, math-hating medieval person, the meter was clearly invented by an anti-social mathematician. Continue reading...

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