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Gay Marriage At U.S. Supremes.. Cox Verdict Overturned.. PM Mulcair?

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 | 3:21 AM

March 26, 2013
Two months and 1,600 kilometres later, a group of Cree youth arrived in Ottawa today, completing their trek from Northern Quebec in support of Idle No More and the Quebec Cree Nation. Continue reading...
Passover 5773: Too Many Women Are Still Slaves
Only when women everywhere can stand tall and strong together in peace and security can we confidently say: Once we were slaves, and now we are free. Continue reading...
Why Do We Still Allow Religious Schools to Bully Gay Kids?
Since Manitoba's religious schools receive over 50 per cent of their funding from the province, they are all being mandated to comply with the proposed legislation: Bill 18 -- required to implement an anti-bullying strategy that includes gay-straight alliances. Our rights cannot exist in a vacuum, isolated from the reality around them. Rights engage with other rights. Not only does our Charter have a built-in provision to permit the limiting of rights in certain situations, but also, the transactional nature of our public lives dictates that different rights will come into contact other rights. Those who oppose Bill 18 should read the Charter in its entirety; it doesn't stop at freedom of religion, nor is there a hierarchy of rights. Continue reading...
Putting the 'Profit' back into Non-Profit
The non-profit organization, just like the technology start-up with a disruptive, yet unproven, new innovation, must sell its vision as much as its financial model and its metrics for measuring impact. But by reducing organizational survival to a simple sales-pitch ignores the fundamental truth that not all organizations are created equally. Continue reading...
Couture in Johannesburg, South Africa
Meet Tshegofatso Maotoe, a young fashion designer and founder of Tenacious Soul, who expresses passion through creating garments for women in all sizes who aren't afraid to enhance their individual style. Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, she infuses African prints with vintage glam is breathtakingly genius! Continue reading...
Moms, Can We Please Give Each Other a Break?
The whole media storm over Sheryl Sandberg's book makes me wonder, why are we so set on judging each other? I know one thing from my personal experience, if you are a mom, you're working hard. None of us are better than the other. Continue reading...

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