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» Friday's Daily Brief: North Korea Threats Intensify, GOP Rep Uses Racial Slur In Radio Interview
Friday's Daily Brief: North Korea Threats Intensify, GOP Rep Uses Racial Slur In Radio Interview
BLOG POSTS | Robert Reich: Why Politicians Are Sensitive to Public Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage, Immigration and Guns, But Not on the Economy Yes, legislative deals require compromise. But why is it that deals over economic policy almost always compromise away what a majority of Americans want? | | Arianna Huffington: Huffington This Week: The Lion in Winter This week, Jon Ward puts the spotlight on John McCain and finds the longtime senator both pursuing new fights with characteristic grit and reflecting on his legacy. And Radley Balko writes about the increasing militarization of our police forces, as the American Civil Liberties Union is now looking into the ways police are using weapons that were once used only for war. | | Dr. Maya Rockeymoore: Ashley Judd, Please Reconsider! Before she decides to completely give up a career in public service, here are five things that Ashley Judd should know. | | David Westin: Same-Sex Marriage: First the Supreme Court Has to Decide What to Decide Here we were watching some of the best lawyers in the country arguing about whether the Constitution protects one of the most basic of human rights -- the right to marry -- at a time when people across the country are changing what they have to say about the sexual orientation of their fellow citizens. | | Alexis Abramson, Ph.D.: Is It Time To Have 'The Sex Talk' With Your Parent? Many years ago your mom or dad probably had 'the talk' with you. Perhaps over your teen and young-adult years your parent(s) initiated many talks about love, dating, sex and the selection of a life partner. Now, as the adult child of an aging parent, you may find the tables have turned, | | MOST POPULAR ON HUFFINGTONPOST.COM |
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