Detroit, it's been a long winter. The emergency manager rumors are by now almost certainty. We haven't noticed many smiles lately between City Council and the Mayor. The debt -- how big is it, exactly? $14 billion? And really, could it just stop snowing? We aren't trying to depress you -- quite the opposite, actually. With all of Detroit's problems and its uncertainty in the months that lie ahead, what really warmed our hearts this cold day was seeing how Detroiters embraced March 13. March 13 (that's 3-13) began to show up as a trend on social media in the last few years, but today's outpouring of love, memory and hope for the Motor City has made #313DLove the city's newest unofficial holiday. You can even see a picture of one of Motown's newest residents, born today at Sinai Grace Hospital at the DMC. Having spent most of this day sharing positive messages about Detroit with you readers and the wider world, we collected some of our favorite tweets to share with all of you. Read, enjoy and tweet your own reasons for loving Detroit to @HuffPostDetroit with the hashtag #313DLove!
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