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HuffPost Science: Body Hacking; DNA; Mars Explorers

Written By Unknown on Monday, March 25, 2013 | 9:04 AM

March 25, 2013
For thousands of years, people have been modifying their bodies. But have you ever thought about extending your senses beyond the limits of human nature? That's what body hackers do. Continue reading...
Are Your Physical Symptoms in Your Head?
'It is all in your head' is no more helpful an answer to the patient's puzzling and troubling question than were 'the spirits are angry' or 'the gods are punishing you' or 'your four humors are unbalanced.' Continue reading...
Can Our Beliefs About Exercise Make Us Fat?
University of Michigan psychologist Brent McFerran has come to believe that our naïve theories of weight control are not entirely harmless, and indeed that they could undermine our own efforts to achieve a healthy weight. Continue reading...
The Conservation Perspective on 'De-extinction'
Death is still forever, but extinction may not be. A dead body can't be reanimated once it begins to rot, but the essence of a species -- its genome -- survives rot for centuries, even thousands of years. That DNA knows how to make living animals, once we figure out how to invite it to do so. Continue reading...
Becoming a Memory Champion?
2013-01-18-TEDplayvideo.jpgThis past weekend I had the unique opportunity to participate in the annual USA Memory Championship. Continue reading...
Happy Birthday, Emmy Noether
On March 23, 1882, a girl named Emmy Noether was born in Erlangen, Bavaria. The daughter of a mathematician, she would turn out to be a mathematical genius and make one of the most important contributions to physics in the twentieth century. Continue reading...

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